Sara Arango Franco

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Sara Arango Franco: She has been a researcher at the Intelligent Infrastructure Systems Laboratory at Purdue University; the Center for Mathematical Modeling of the University of Chile; the Research Group in Spatial Economics (RiSE) of the EAFIT University and the Urban Observatory of the New York University (NYU). She worked as a Research Associate and Data Scientist at NYU’s Marron Institute for Urban Management from 2017 to 2022 developing analytics and data products for learning in the public sector (police, corrections, prosecution, and education) and is a Research Associate at the Edgelands Institute. since 2021. He has collaborated with the Urban Expansion program of the Marron Institute. She is a mathematical engineer from EAFIT and has a master’s degree in Urban Informatics from NYU. She was a volunteer for La Ciudad Verde from 2012 to 2016.