A little bit about our history

Cities consume between 60 to 80% of energy wordlwide and generate about 70% of world’s GHG emissions, while occupying only 3% of the global surface. (UN-HABITAT, 2016). Therefore the solutions for tackling climate change should come from cities.

But ¿Who lives in cities?

Our strategy

We need conscious and active citizens taking actions!

Citizens are usually not included in climate change governance, but they hold an enormous potential to act as change-makers.

Inspired by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the UNFCC Paris Agreement, and the importance of cities an citizens in mitigating climate change, we created Low Carbon City in December 2015.

We are promoting a global mobilization for the collective construction of low carbon and resilient cities.

We are all be part of the solution!


Our Mission

We educate, connect, create solutions and generate knowledge to promote a systemic approach for addressing climate change. We work hand in hand with citizens, academia, the public and private sectors, and the media under the believe:




We use participatory and creative tools to educate people and promote climate-friendly habits.

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Citizens and experts to exchange knowledge and co-create solutions.

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We implement solutions to reduce emissions, increase resilience and promote regenerative communities through collaborative processes.


We generate Knowledge

To learn about trends, close gaps, create common languages ​​and bring people closer to solutions.

We are part of:

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Voices of our founders

“Engaging with the community and sharing knowledge in a multicultural environment through creative and cultural activities like workshops, tactical urbanism, contests and events where citizens participate give opinions and contribute to solutions, is our major asset”

Juan Manuel Restrepo

“Our priority is the empowerment of citizens, communities and citizen-led initiatives in a multistakeholder platform to raise awareness, change behaviors and, take actions, to tackle climate change in our cities”

Juliana Gutierrez Rua

Awards and recognitions: