Building Collective Solutions

The Low Carbon City Citizens’ Declaration

We, Citizens of the world, call on our leaders to collectively build low-carbon cities and designing inclusive public policies that allow in the public, private sector and citizens to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases to mitigate climate change and have more sustainable cities.

We hereby invite all stakeholders to declare their support for the collaborative work to deal with the impending challenges that runaway climate change holds for human society in the 21st century.

In the face of climatic challenges and environmental consequences of the fossil-fuel system a rapid decarbonization of human socio-ecologial systems appears as only desirable option for sustainable human development. Additionally, such pathways of building a Low Carbon City offer manifold opportunities for prosperous and socially balanced urban development.

Regardless our individual backgrounds each one of us is a global citizen living in an urbanized world. We therefore have a common interest to deal with the challenges of climate change. This declaration invites you to join and build collective solutions to the challenges of climate change across all geographical, cultural, social or ethnical contexts.

We join our voice to promote:

  1. Intensify awareness building and education about Climate Change.
  2. Emphasize the importance of social as well as technological innovation.
  3. Foster the participation of all stakeholders in creating urban change
  4. Foster biological and social diversity in our cities.
  5. Finance post-carbon transition and divest public assets away from fossil fuels.
  6. Shift towards renewable and clean forms of energy generation.
  7. Prioritise sustainable and low carbon forms of urban transport.
  8. Build a circular economy and improve urban waste management
  9. Integrate urban agriculture into the layout of our cities.
  10. Measure, monitor and report on climate change issues.

We build our work and this statement based on the Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) submitted by the United Nations in 2015, particularly the ODS 7, 11 and 13 as well as in the Paris Agreement and the New Urban Agenda.

And as citizens and according to this statement we signed: