Luis Fernando


Luis Fernando Arboleda Gonzalez is the business administrator at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, with a specialization in senior management from the Universidad de los Andes. He has had a successful career of more than 30 years where he designed and implemented the best practices for social and economic development in Colombia. Since 2010, he has been president of Findeter and he has positioned the company as a strategic partner for different regions, showing that the success of good business performance is based on optimal planning, support, and comprehensive advice from inception to completion of initiatives. He is confident that the key to developing successful business strategies is to translate visions into actions, closing the gap between the impossible and possible, in order to ensure the realization of the projects and bring economic, social, and welfare development to Colombia. During his presidency, he has led the country in the implementation of the “Ciudades Sostenibles y Competitivas del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID)” Program, which seeks to address the most urgent challenges for citizens through a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to identify the best path to sustainability in the long term.